Maldusa is a cultural association aimed at facilitating freedom of movement, supporting existing infrastructures for migrant solidarity, as well as researching and documenting border violence, on land and at sea, on the Mediterranean routes.

Lampedusa has historically been narrated and understood merely as a border zone, with a binary representation between island of peace and island of violence. The spectacularization of crisis and emergency has oftenled to a lack of understanding of the local, continuous, daily struggles of people who inhabit and cross the island...

In Palermo, the Maldusa cultural association seeks to bridge a multitude of local and transnational realities that derive from anti-racist struggles, migrant activism and solidarity, as well as building bridges between communities on the move and their places of departure...

The Mediterranean Sea is a contested space, inhabited by a variety of actors who struggle for and against freedom of movement. Every day, people who cross the sea, authorities who surveil and abandon them, NGOs who search and rescue, fishermen and merchant vessels crews, either attempt to defy borders or, willingly or not, reinforce them...



We dedicate this slogan to the daily struggles of people, who in North Africa are called Harraga - "border-burners" - while crossing the border without a visa and burning their ID documents afterwards not to be deported.

In this booklet, we narrate the first year of Maldusa, its vision and its projects.

With one station in Lampedusa, a second station in Palermo, a boat at sea and dozens of informal and formal relationships with solidarity infrastructures and people on the move, we created solid platforms for monitoring and reporting border violence, as well as for supporting and facilitating freedom of movement.


CommemorActions took place on February 6 across dozens of cities in Europe and North and West Africa. Relatives of the disappeared participated in many meetings and demonstrations to commemorate their missing loved ones and to condemn the deadly EU border regime. For more than thirty years, the direct or indirect violence of border regimes has...

In 2025, several civil sea rescue organizations will look back to the last 10 years of their fight for safe passage. 2025 is also 10 years since the historic summer of migration. The memories of these months of hard-won freedom of movement from Athens to Stockholm and with demonstrations of welcome all over Europe appear today as something from...


Mediterranea Saving Humans

In Solidarity with people on the move, at land and at sea.

Watch the Med - Alarm Phone

The hotline in solidarity with people crossing the Mediterranean Sea


The Civil Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (CMRCC) is a coordination and documentation platform for people in distress in the Central Mediterranean Sea.

Ragazzi Baye Fall

Since 6 years in Palermo, a self-organised solidarity group of the Baye Fall diaspora.

Captain Support

Alternative legal support for criminalised people on the move.

Welcome to Europe

For freedom of movement: Independent information for refugees and migrants going to Europe.

Refugees in Libya

Self-organised group of people in struggle in Libya and beyond.

Border Forensics

Investigating border violence, fostering mobility justice.

Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research

Transfeminist autonomous research centre in Athens.

Borderline Europe

Civil resistance against the European migration and border policy since 2007


Searching and identifying missing migrants at the Mediterranean border.

Louise Michel

Solidarity and Resistance at Sea - combining lifeguarding with the principles of feminism, anti-racism and anti-fascism.

In Limine / ASGI

Addressing issues relating to borders control and access to international protection.