Palermo station
Maldusa constituted two stations in Palermo and in Lampedusa, to carry out critical research work and facilitate the encounter of local and transnational realities.
In the two stations, in Palermo and in Lampedusa, Maldusa focuses on a qualitative research and documentation approach, in collaboration with activists, people on the move, and existing organisations in the North and South of the Mediterranean Sea.
Besides research and documentation, in dialogue with the different but linked realities of Palermo and Lampedusa, Maldusa will prioritise the following key themes: breaking isolation; the continuum of criminalisation and deportation; fishermen struggles; migrant self-organisation. This, from an anti-colonial and intersectional perspective, centring voices and experiences of people on the move as well as in continuous conversation with people and realities in the Global South.
both stations, activities will involve: organisation of festivals,
meetings, workshops, training, conferences, summer schools, film
screenings, book presentations, reading groups.

In Palermo, the Maldusa cultural association seeks to bridge a multitude of local and transnational realities that derive from anti-racist struggles, migrant activism and solidarity, as well as building bridges between communities on the move and their places of departure.
In line with the Lampedusa station activities, the aim of the cultural association based in Palermo is oriented towards building further relationships between people, places and existing projects, actively involving people on the move in the organisation of the space.
For doing so, the station will provide a platform for organising workshops, cultural and artistic events, educational and training activities, with both local inhabitants and invited guests.

Border abolition discussion group
Every Wednesday 6pm-8pm. In collaboration with the Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research

Baye Fall weekly meetings
Coming soon, from May, on Mondays.