Abolish Frontex Demonstration: 20 June
Tuesday, June 20, in Piazza Verdi, in front of the Teatro Massimo (Palermo), at 5 p.m., demonstration for #ABOLISHFRONTEX.
Promoted by: Antiracist Forum Palermo, Mediterranea Saving Humans Palermo, Moltivolti, Maldusa and Cgil Palermo.

#20June Let's abolish the borders!
Dozens more DEAD and HUNDREDS more DISAPPEARED off the coast of Greece. The same Cutro route, from which Europe has learned nothing. On the contrary, it has raised even more walls of land and sea to stop - at any cost, even hundreds of lives - people trying to land there in search of a decent life for themselves and their families. This is how we celebrate 'World Refugee Day': by remembering that BORDERS KILL. They kill both those who are called 'economic migrants' and those who are deemed by the UN to be 'holders of international protection' according to the parameters of the 1951 International Convention.Meaningless distinction, if we believe in the universal rights of people.EUROPE reneges on its supposed 'values'. It does so even more with its recent proposals to redistribute and externalize borders, 'legalizing' refoulement even to third countries considered - at discretion - safe.
It is enough to pay to buy the availability of the worst regimes and safeguard 'Fortress Europe.ITALY, in turn, with Law 50 of May 5, 2023, has enormously "dilated" the scope of the so-called 'Cutro Decree,' discharging within it all the (pejorative) demands of the League and the Viminale leadership, unable to give other answers in the face of the increase in arrivals from the central Mediterranean routes.Yet another repressive turn of events that violates basic principles of the Constitutional Charter. The de facto abrogation of special protection, even in cases of effective social integration in Italy in particular, violates Article 10 of the Constitution and Article 8 of the ECHR. Because jurisprudence had already recognized humanitarian protection as a form of constitutional asylum.The new provisions on the administrative detention of asylum seekers at border points, where they can be detained in discretionary ways, do not respect the principle of reservation of the law, affirmed by Article 13 of the Constitution.The new provisions on entry for work do not open those legal channels of entry that would be necessary to combat exploitation and discrimination. The new procedural rules for the recognition of protection erase the rights of defense to the point of the abrogation of the right to constitutional asylum.
The new provisions on the administrative detention of asylum seekers at border points, where they can be detained in discretionary ways, do not respect the principle of reservation of the law, affirmed by art.13 of the Constitution.The new provisions on entry for work do not open those legal channels of entry that would be necessary to combat exploitation and discrimination.The new procedural rules for the recognition of protection erase the rights of defense to the point of the abrogation of the constitutional right to asylum. The new configuration of criminal sanctions against smugglers appears to be nothing more than propaganda at a time when agreements are maintained with third countries that target irregular migrants in transit but not the criminal organizations that run the traffic.In the face of this law, permanent mobilization is needed to defend the rights of asylum seekers and those who will be subjected to deportation procedures. A dense network of solidarity must be built around migrants who will be denied a residence permit, perhaps after years of presence in Italy. And continuous vigilance must be exercised over all places of detention in which police authorities will continue to lock up migrants who have just arrived or are awaiting deportation.
A dense network of solidarity must be built around migrant persons who will be denied a residence permit, perhaps after years of presence in Italy. And continuous vigilance must be exercised over all places of detention in which police authorities will continue to lock up migrants who have just arrived or are awaiting deportation. Because the recognition of the fundamental rights of migrant persons is the recognition of the rights of us all and of democracy in Italy.NO to the Italian and European DISHUMANE LAWS. FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT and RIGHTS for ALL. LET'S ABOLISH ALL BORDERS!