'Ti Rissi No!' Transfeminist Mobilisation of Non Una Di Meno - Palermo

TI RISSI NO! (Sicilian for 'I did not consent')
Transfeminist regional mobilisation against gender-based violence organised by Non Una Di Meno, today in Piazza Bellini in Palermo.
The tide does not stop: a regional mobilisation to call Sicily to react against gender violence!
We want a city tailored to our needs and desires, we want to feel free to live our lives as we see fit, we demand rights herto unrecognised and denied.
Let us invade the streets, let us take what is ours, let us destroy the patriarchy!
Because gendered violence and rape is not an exceptional case, a dangerous neighbourhood, or a pack of wolves. Instead, it is about a patriarchal system that oppresses us every day and everywhere. From the walls of the home to places of education and work, from the press to the courts, from hospitals to police headquarters, a whole system that perpetrates structured, pervasive and cultural violence.
It is time for those in charge to take responsibility! Let all men, let all institutions, let all media come down from the pedestal of privilege and stop with the rhetoric of deresponsibility!
You are all involved.
TI RISSI NO, because only a YES means consent. And that YES can always be revoked.
TI RISSI NO, because in this system the justice of the courts is not on our side, every time we denounce we are the ones who are criminalisedɜ and put on trial.
TI RISSI NO, because we do not want police on the streets of our cities. The presence of police on the streets has never saved us from violence.
TI RISSI NO, because the health system does not recognise us. Women and LGBTQIA+ subjectivities do not have access to free and comprehensive public healthcare.
TI RISSI NO, because we no longer want to suffer exploitation and devaluation in the workplace.
We will not stop making noise! We want free and uncontrolled bodies, we want transfeminist and non-militarised cities. We want feminist, sexual and affective education in schools; we want a media narrative that is not sensationalist and morbid, but realistic and in-depth, we do not want journalism that is subservient to patriarchy; we want real justice and protection for whistleblowers; we want guaranteed and accessible health care, with trained, non-objecting health care personnel; we want anti-violence centres and counselling centres everywhere and in operation; we want a world of education and work without gender discrimination and with equal pay.