We kindly request you to stop killing
A non-stop performance by Alarmphone
28 of June from 12 noon
until 30 of June 2023
at the Place Luxemburg, Brussels

The Alarmphone Creative-Action-Group, invite you to our first action. Join the non-stop performance in Brussels in front of the European Parliament from 28 June to 30 June.
"We kindly request you to stop killing" is an attempt to deal with the systemic indifference we face in matters of life and death on the Mediterranean Sea. Every year since 2014, the Alarmphone sends out thousands of SOS-Emails alerting authorities to boats in distress at sea. Thousands of standardized words, numbers and GPS-Coordinates, reporting urgent situations of distress and the too long wait for interventions. Thousands of repeated kind requests for rescue, too often unreplied.We are not as kind and polite as it may sound! We are not as patient as it might seem when it goes again: "Dear officer on duty...". We are angry! We are tired! We are desperate! We want answers! We will keep on fighting for the end of border violence and freedom of movement for all!In front of the EU Parliament we will read aloud all the Emails that the Alarmphone has written to authorities from January first and the first case of 2023 until the day of the read-in at the end of June. We will read these Emails at the place where the repetitive, deadly spectacle of bureaucracy and foreclosure policies that keep people waiting in distress at sea is made. This is where we won't stop reading. Day and night. This is where we kindly request to stop killing!Our read-in will be accompanied and interrupted by a realtime alarm - the first public appearance of the Alarmbox that reports about current and ongoing distress situations in the Mediterranean.